happy mystics around the world

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✅ 1 YEAR of Transformation
✅ Ritual Box Besties Telegram
✅ Live Ritual w/ infinite streaming
✅ Detailed Ritual PDF
what's inside?
In each box, you'll get curated tools for a complete ritual in alignment with the energy of the season. PLUS a guided video ritual and meditation, watch live or stream when you're ready.
The full-sized, high quality tools will last long after the ritual so you can build your altar and practice.
Join the mystical club and change your life, one ritual at a time.
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- Save $16.50/mo
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- Never miss a box, cuz we always sell out
magic for mystics!
Magic loves consistency, and we're delivering both to your door!
Our monthly ritual boxes are created for all genders and experience levels, and valued at over $200, with a PDF, live guided ritual, and guided meditation!